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There is a generation among us whose life motto is YOLO. (You Only Live Once). They live for the moment. And more often than not, couldn’t care less about tomorrow, next week or the future.

It is this predisposition that the program CPR© (Creating Positive Relationships) tries to correct.

Using a floor mop to demonstrate, the young people are helped to see that our lives very much resemble the mop-three prong. The bottom, the long handle and fluffy end. In this exercise, they are tasked to balance it vertically for as long as they can. Many who think it is easy, quickly step up to the challenge and soon realize that to balance it requires skill and focus.

I would like to use this simple illustration share the lessons that we all can learn.

  •       Set a goal- It is important to set a goal. Be it a life goal, work, relationship or personal, short-term or long-term. A goal must exist, in order to be achieved. It should be a goal that causes you to jump out of bed in the morning and gives you no rest until it is accomplished.
  •      Focus: The mop can only be balanced once one focuses on the top. It is important to keep their eyes on the goal. Shifting your focus from the goal will cause it to flop
  •     Work at it-Every goal is but a wish until one rolls up their sleeves and begins to work at it. No matter how hard it is, ‘Begin with what is necessary, then what is possible and soon you will be doing the impossible’-St. Francis of Assisi.
  •     Shift their position-The participant will be required to shift their feet as they attempt to balance the mop. Life will cause you to shift your footing to achieve the goal.

As demonstrated, no one can balance the mop by looking at the bottom. Similarly, no one can achieve their goals by living only for the moment. The moment is to be relished; with the future in mind. Some live for the moment, swayed by the habits of others and causing themselves undue pain by wanting what others have. Forget them, live life. The bottom also signifies where you come from. Whether you hailed from a difficult background or emerged from the leafy suburbs, you must take your eyes off where you came from. The past-painful or sweet-is the past. Don’t let it hinder you from achieving your goal. Keep your eyes on the goal.

The top of the mop represents the goals we have. Living a life without a goal is a like a captain of a ship without a map or a compass. He sails along day-to-day hoping he will arrive somewhere.  This life is too precious to stroll along without a plan. The One who made you had a plan, why shouldn’t you? Every decision made now, every action, every step either builds or destroys the future. So it is vital to think and weigh a decision before making it.

Goals are not always static. No goal is independent of circumstances-good or bad. Sometimes, we may have to adjust our footing in light of the circumstances in order to achieve a certain goal. Good happenstances may propel a goal. Bad flukes are like bumps. They slow you down, but not hinder you from achieving that goal. Envision your goal; go for it. Jump the hurdles, shake the critics, go the extra mile.
Finally, know this: Sometimes the achievement of your goal may look different from how you had envisioned it. It’s ok. Rejoice not only in the achieving, but also in the steps you take to achieve the goal. Every step of the way is a learning moment. Appreciate it.   

 “You were born to win. But to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win and expect to win.” Zig Ziglar. 


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